Monday, October 5, 2009

The Mission of La Viña Community Church

We believe that God has moved in the hearts of people from different corners of Miami to build a church in Westchester of people from Westchester.

The mission of La Viña Community Church is to serve among the people of
Westchester as a loving community of celebration and worship that journeys into every opportunity and uses every resource to bring God’s peace into every dimension of every person’s life.

Our mission is our pathway to become a church that will bring spiritual life change to the rest of Miami and beyond.

This is what God has been doing.
This is where God is leading.

It’s really beginning to make sense now.
Why did God keep La Viña in Westchester for 18 years, almost 13 years before I came in 2004? Why did He call me and my family from a very comfortable life in San Diego? Why did He open the door for us to start Kidz XL? Why did He open the door to the lives of so many wonderful students from FIU? Why did He call Nic and Laura here from Chicago? Why didn’t He send Pastor Art and Kyle to Brooklyn, Belize or New Orleans? Why did He call Michael and Rocio to move here from New Orleans? Why did He call the individual families currently now at La Viña to join us in this ministry?

There is one answer for it all:
God wants a church that is willing to serve among the people of this community of Westchester for His glory and name. Among the 60% who claim no church affiliation. Among the 95% who do not attend church on Sunday. Among the 90,000+ who live within a 3 mile radius of where we are sitting right now.

But, as obvious as it seems to me, this mission statement must speak to each person in my church personally.
It cannot be embraced because I said to. The Holy Spirit must reveal such things. So, please pray for God to open the eyes of this mission to everyone in my church. God has certainly invited us to be part of His story to spiritual life change to this community that so desperately needs it!

"...this was not revealed to you by man, but by my Father in heaven." Matthew 16:17

Maximum Clarity

Welcome to one of several additions to my life to provide "maximum clarity" to my world of influence! As I am learning to develop my leadership abilities, I have recognized that I have a need to improve on communicating where God is leading me and my church, and to provide opportunities for comments and feedback. I've been learning that you can't assume people understand what's going on in your world and in your head. Many are oblivious to the things that seem so obvious to me and so I've got to work at making where God is leading me as obvious to everyone interested as it is to me. Thus, the birth of this blog! For all of you who love cyberspace and social networking, this is for you. But, it's going to be good for me, too. Writing things out really helps me clarify my thoughts. I can't say that it's all going to be profound or even entertaining but it will be pretty honest. "...the LORD replied: 'Write down the revelation and make it plain...'" Habakkuk 2:2